
It’s showtime! Sign up to audition by May 3 for your chance to share the stage with the pros in this year’s Motor City Soles concert, featuring the all-star Motor City Tap Fest faculty and Detroit’s best musicians. The concert is at 2 pm on Sunday, August 4 at the Redford Theatre.

This year, Karen Callaway Williams, Shelby Kaufman, Denise Caston-Clark, and Jenefer Miller (Jr. Crew) will be setting pieces on elite, advanced dancers who are selected.

Here’s what you need to do to audition:

  1. Click on the button below to sign up.
  2. Upon signing up you will receive an email with short combinations (4 counts of 8) from each choreographer. Record yourself doing each of the combinations.
  3. Put the combinations on unlisted YouTube links. If you need help with this, reach out to us and we will help!
  4. Click through the link to select your choreographer choices, ranked 1 through 3.

Let’s goooo! We can’t wait to see what you submit. Send submissions to