Vikus Arun

Motor City Tap Fest Faculty - Vikas Arun

Vikas is a sought-after dancer well-trained in various forms and specializing in tap, contemporary, and Indian folk dance. Due to his diverse training, his career has spanned numerous parts of the American dance industry, and he has often been the first South Asian to break into many spaces.

He was the first South Asian artist in the New York City cast of STOMP and the first South Asian ambassador for dancewear giant Capezio. His TV credits include Good Morning America and NBC’s New Amsterdam. He performed for the President of the US and Prime Minster of India, appeared in multiple continents as the male-lead in Mystic India: The World Tour, and danced in commercials for major brands such as J. Crew and Vogue.

Vikas co-directs Project Convergence, the first company in residence at the American Tap Dance Foundation dedicated to uniting tap dance with Bharatanatyam, a classical from of Indian percussive dance. The company’s performance credits include Spotify, Buzzfeed, Alvin Ailey, and Lincoln Center, with media coverage from WNYC (New York Public Radio), Dance Magazine, Columbia Magazine, and The Hindu. He set’s guest choreography on numerous dance companies across the world, and consistently receives choreography awards for his tap dance and contemporary dance choreography.

In addition to his dance work, Vikas’ is also an award winning engineer and a Robert Gartland Fellow at Columbia University’s Fu Foundation School for Engineering and Applied Science. He travels the world teaching dance technique, dance pedagogy, financing for dancers, and personal growth coaching. He is a guest lecturer at Columbia University, a substitute faculty member at Broadway Dance Center, a regular guest on numerous podcasts, and a cited source for articles in major publications including The Guardian, The New York Times, and more.